Posts My Arabic ePublishing experiment

My Arabic ePublishing experiment

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I am very happy to be announcing my latest personal project, I am experimenting with the publication of Arabic ebooks on Kindle and Google Play Books, the subject? my father’s books.

As with every domain, technology is disrupting the publishing scene, it has already become big business for other languages, but in the Arab world it still needs a push.

The freedom ePublishing allows and the wide reach it can achieve is remarkable, the printing press (invented in the 1400s) had a drastic impact on society, it enabled more people to read, it ended the scribe profession only to make way for new, more important professions (journalism for example).

ePublishing is just as important a step. it gives writers more freedom and more reach, no geographical limit to the reach of the book; no need for book fairs. with the click of a button, a book can be just as accessible for readers in the far corners of the world.

However, Arabic still needs more support from the publishing platforms, Google play for example does not yet support Right-to-left page flipping of books (or it does but I was not able to figure it out), which makes for a bad reading experience for Arabic ebooks, I hope this is addressed soon. Kindle does not have this problem.

For now, I am excited to list down the following titles by Ezzat El Kamhawi, published on Kindle and Google Play Books.

Kindle titles

Amazon Kindle is available on iOS & Android

الأيك في المباهج والأحزانالحارسالبحر خلف الستائر

Google play titles

Google Play Books is available on iOS & Android

الأيك في المباهج والأحزانالحارسالبحر خلف الستائرمدينة اللذة
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